


Hannington Pocket Park was developed in 1996 on an area of land approximately one third of an acre, located on the south side of the village.  Prior to this, the plot of land was rented from the Parish by Mr Soans, who lived in the property adjacent to the plot.  Over the years, he planted trees and shrubs on the site, together with bluebells, daffodils and snowdrops. In 1995 when he sold the property, the Parish claimed back its village land and work began on the Pocket Park. The objective was to ‘utilise and develop the habitats of Hannington Pocket Park for the benefit of the community of Hannington and as a wildlife habitat’.

Nowadays it offers the local populace an area of enjoyment and relaxation, and also provides a suitable wildlife habitat for both existing and potential wildlife in the area.  The balance between the two should be that wildlife flourishes whilst at the same time the area is enjoyed by the local people.  John Middleton is the pocket park coordinator dealing with issues that relate to the park and can be contacted via Hannington Parish Council - email julie.p.friell@btinternet.com


The plant communities present in the area are primarily woodland with glade plants in clearings.  The dominant habitat of the area is woodland with a variety of species including: 

Field maple       Poplar              Cherry               Horse Chestnut

Beech               Larch                Hazel                Scots Pine

Elder                Silver Birch       Dog Rose         Hawthorn

Holly                 Aspen               Yew                 Non native Ferns

Where the area has been exposed to some light, ground flora has managed to develop including snowdrops, celandines, bluebells, cuckoo pint and ivy.

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