09 July 2010

Would anyone in the village

a)       who expressed a need in the 2007 Hannington Housing Needs Survey for Affordable Housing, or

b)      who is now on the Housing Register and is hoping to be allocated one of the six Affordable houses to be built in the village

please notify the Parish Council Clerk Mrs Julie Friell (781539 or 6 Bridle Road) as soon as possible.


The Parish Council would like to try and ensure that the houses are allocated as a matter of priority to those with genuine local need. Applicants will need to be on the Housing Register at Daventry.


If there are not enough eligible applicants from or connected to Hannington itself, the Affordable Houses will be allocated to others on the Daventry Housing Register.  Initially this would be to people on that Register within a 5 mile radius of Hannington.  After that the houses could be allocated to anyone with priority needs on the Daventry Register.     


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