02 March 2010

A booklet is now available aimed at providing those that live and work in the district of Daventry with information about reducing their impact on climate change and being prepared for future weather changes.  The booklet provides useful information along with contact details on getting more help in areas such as energy efficiency in the home, renewable energy, reducing waste, recycling and composting, being greener at work and at school along with getting prepared for expected weather changes.  The booklet is available to view on line at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/climatechange/ or telephone the Council for a copy on 01327 302253 or email apearce@daventrydc.gov.uk.

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Historical MinutesNew pages for 1990-92 added
Hannington LifeDecember issue now available.
Agenda & MinutesDraft 2 Dec minutes - uploaded 3 Dec.
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Planning2024/4030 variation of condition 5 DA/2015/0848 - Pastures Farm. Red House Lane
2023/24AccountsDetails of 2023/24 accounts etc uploaded
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