Click on the following for the Election Timetable and Nomination pack
For more details on how to complete the form see the attached link.
Do you care what happens to your community? – Hannington needs residents to stand as Parish Councillors. It is not an onerous job and usually just involves your attendance at one meeting per month (except August) and delivering a small number of Hannington Life’s. The length of the meeting is dependent on the agenda items to be discussed and can range from 17 minutes (!) to a maximum of 2 hours – generally they last c1 hour. All seven seats on Hannington Parish Council will be contested on the election to be held on 6 May - NB the current Councillors DO NOT automatically get re-elected To qualify, a person must be a Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, a qualifying EU citizen, or an EU citizen with retained rights, who has attained the age of 18 years and an elector, must reside within the parish of Hannington, or within 4.8km of it, or occupy as owner or tenant any land or premises therein, or have their principal or only place of work there, and must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor. Anyone interested in standing, should contact the Clerk, who has been emailed the nomination pack and she will forward you a copy. Alternatively, they can be downloaded from the PC web site or the following link.
Or .
Due to expected numbers, WNC will be running an appointment system for the submission of nomination papers. Appointments are 15-minute slots and can be booked by emailing with your name, date and time you’d like to come in and a contact telephone number or calling the Elections Team on 01604 526130. A member of the team will then contact you to arrange a date and time. You are welcome to just “turn up” at any of the locations during the dates and times given, however you may be required to wait until an officer is free to take your nomination paper and process it.
We are operating from The Guildhall One Stop Shop, Northampton on all days, but only specified days at The Abbey, Daventry and The Forum, Towcester full details will be included on the Notice of Election and are detailed below:
The Abbey, Daventry
20 March - 9am – 4.30pm 26 March - 9am – 4.30pm 28 March - 9am – 4.30pm
The Guildhall, One Stop Shop, Northampton
17 March - 9am – 4.30pm 26 March - 9am – 7pm
18 March - 9am – 4.30pm 27 March - 9am – 4.30pm
19 March - 9am – 4.30pm 28 March - 9am – 4.30pm
20 March - 9am – 7pm 31 March - 9am – 7pm
21 March - 9am – 4.30pm 1 April - 9am – 7pm
24 March - 9am – 7pm 2 April - 9am – 4pm
25 March - 9am – 4.30pm
The Forum, Towcester
17 March - 9am – 4.30pm 25 March - 9am – 4.30pm
18 March - 9am – 4.30pm 27 March - 9am – 4.30pm
19 March - 9am – 7pm 31 March - 9am – 7pm
21 March - 9am – 4.30pm 1 April - 9am – 7pm
24 March - 9am – 7pm 1 April - 9am – 7pm
Failure to find sufficient Parish Councillors to make a quorum may see the Unitary Authority step in and in the worst-case scenario, ultimately a parish can be dissolved and that area would come under a neighbouring parish. In Hannington’s case it might come under Walgrave or Holcot, for example. All the councillors might be from outside Hannington, so although they should represent the whole area they might have an unconscious (or even conscious!) bias towards their own village, and Hannington would get left behind. No one will care more about Hannington than the people that live in Hannington.